eXTRA Chances soon will make way for the Lottery’s rewards program!
eXTRA Chances is ending in late January!
eXTRA Chances entries received via mail after December 31, 2023, will not be accepted.
There are changes coming to the Virginia Lottery’s eXTRA Chances program. Any mail-in entries received after December 31, 2023, will not be accepted. Starting January 1, 2024, players can enter eXTRA Chances only via the Virginia Lottery mobile app or valottery.com.
There will be three final eXTRA Chances drawings. Here are the drawing dates: January 9, January 16 and January 23. In each drawing, 10 winners each will win a $1,000 electronics-store gift card. All eXTRA Chances changes for January 2024 can be found in the eXTRA Chances rules.
These changes will lead into the launch of the new Virginia Lottery Rewards Program. The program will replace eXTRA Chances and offer points to players who purchase any Lottery game at retail or online. Players also will be able to earn points for engaging with the Lottery in other ways. Stay tuned for another post on the new rewards program once it launches.
Odds of winning any prize in the eXTRA Chances promotion depend on the total number of entries received.
Last updated 12/1/23